Global happiness

Zsolt Hermann
1 min readAug 14, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“What is the average happiness for a person from a global standpoint?”

We can “translate” the notion of happiness/fulfillment/sense of bliss to the biological notion of homeostasis, when a cell, living organism reaches perfect balance with its environment, receiving, providing form and to the environment everything in the most optimal way.

This perfect external/internal balance is what humans interpret as happiness.

Our most immediate, direct environment is our network of interconnection with other people. This means that our happiness solely depends on establishing the most optimal balance, physical and emotional interchange with other people.

And since we have evolved into a globally integrated and fully interdependent world, we can reach true happiness only, if we create a global human society that exists in the most optimal, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing balance and homeostasis, each person finding their own most optimal place for mutually complementing contribution, while justly, proportionally receiving everything they need to ceaselessly continue their contribution to the whole.

This is what we have to work on and implement, not according to our arbitrary ideologies, philosophies, or religions, but by methodically following nature’s integral template, adapting ourselves to Nature’s strict, unchanging laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.