From TQM to One Global Integrated Management System

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readApr 18, 2020

A new story from my dear friend, Ernest Itzkovitch from Toronto:

Today, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was interviewed by MSN —
and Urging National Coordination of all Canadian Provinces re. COVID-19.

In my opinion, National Coordination is the right approach — while looking at Canada as One of the reputable leading countries and example to the world.

How about Global Coordination of all the Countries in the World — similar to Canada’s National Coordination?
The answer is simple: Nicely said — but much more complicated to implement it — because we have to Connect as One.

Connect as one, is not only a slogan — it is the next level of our and humanity’s development.
#covidexplained it as “Integral Education” — a Global Education Program to the whole world to create a better Post Corona future.

Dr. William Edwards Deming (from the USA), perceived as a Global Guru in Quality Management Systems (QMS). His background as a statistician and business consultant helped Japan’s Second World War recovery. His philosophy and advanced management concept of planning and continual improvement transformed the traditional blame (in organizations and among people in general) and mistakes into the “golden mines” of opportunities for improvements by “connecting two opposites into one common sense”.

As a Quality Engineer, I recall studying Dr. Deming’s “14 management principles” as one of his most significant contributions to TQM/Total Quality Management. But the “Diamond In the Crown” was the bottom line statement:” In God, We Trust-all Others Must Bring Data” !!! We had a variety of opinions for Pros and Cons — if this statement is about Nature (God) or about Quality (Data) ???

It would be interesting to run a Round Table Workshop asking Deming’s (RIP) opinion how would he run the Post Corona Era?
Today — the world looks to me as “upside-down” — physical connections become virtual and it may last for a pretty long while until Humanity will acknowledge that safe Social Distancing and self-isolation dictated by Nature — “is climbing the ladder to freedom”?

Why “One Global Integrated Management System” is needed today for Corona — more than any other time in modern history?
My answer is — that One United and Well Coordinated Global Management System will balance correctly the food supply chain, which is actually the basic necessity for Humanity’s survival and sustainability.

So — how we create “One United and Well Coordinated Global Management System to balance the Global food supply chain”?
Browsing the internet, I probably found the best Globally recognized expert with a capacity to Connect all Governments as One?

“The Adizes Methodology enables corporations, governments, and complex organizations to achieve exceptional results and manage accelerated change without destructive conflicts”.

Now it’s your turn to “apply your freedom of choice” — either get familiar with the “new game in the city” means study “Integral Education” and adapt to the “brand new world” or wait until the Pre-Corona times will be back — that are unseen at the moment.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.