Focusing on building a better society in the midst of crisis
Question from the Internet:
“If the collapse of the world is inevitable, then is it wrong to hasten it? What are the ethical considerations of this course of action?”
I do not know if you ever read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation books, but we are basically going through the same colossal collapse of our civilization as the “Galactic Empire” in those books.
There is not much we can do regarding this collapse, we are not in control.
Our human system — driven by our inherently “cancer-like”, selfish, egoistic, exploitative nature — is incompatible with Nature’s laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on, so we have no right to exist in Nature’s system in our present form.
What we can control — similarly to what Asimov writes — is the period after the inevitable collapse.
If we understand, accept what caused our collapse and we are willing to change, upgrade our inherent nature so above it, against it we can build “Nature-like”, positive and constructive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation, then we can shorten and “sweeten” the transitional period towards a better, sustainable, qualitatively much higher Human society.
Then we do not need wars, terrible destruction, intolerable suffering to convince us about the necessary changes in our nature, behavior.
Moreover, if at least a small, but qualitatively;y strong “critical mass” starts such change now, even before the total collapse of our general human system, even the collapse can be softened.
So it is not hastening the collapse we need to focus on, but on how and through what method we need to build a better society by changing ourselves first of all.