Explaining to a child the state of the world
Question from the Internet:
What would be the best way to explain the current state of the world to a child without making them live in fear?
What we can show both children and adults that when we connect and work towards mutual goals, when we work as a team, we are much more successful than when we try to reach things on our own, by competing with others.
We can find and use many examples from our lives, like pointing at how a positive, effective family works, or how in Nature, for example in our own body the mutual cooperation between cells and organs creates and sustains life, facilitates optimal development and growth.
We can point at sports teams, comprised of highly paid, celebrated, unique individuals, what they can achieve when they all interconnect an complement each other, and how the teams that can play well together do much better than when selfish individuals sacrifice the team for their own glory.
And then of course, it is even better, when we help them practice this and experience success and the good feeling that comes from teamwork and when we can achieve and celebrate success and joy which we achieved together.
For adults, we have to add some additional details, explaining how we need to achieve this most optimal teamwork, family-like cooperation above and against our inherently selfish, egocentric and exploitative nature that actually enjoys succeeding at the expense of others.
This is why the right, purposeful and practical education both for children and adults is so important.