Evolution has a purpose: increasing integration to create and sustain life!
Opinion from the Internet about evolution and humanity:
“You describe a method that is simply adjusting, adapting Humanity to Nature’s evolutionary plan, direction, like turning our sails properly towards the “wind of change"
Small problem.
Because we don’t know what changes in the environment will be occurring we can’t possibly know what direction we ought to be turning.
Remembering that evolution doesn’t have a purpose or a direction I submit it is impossible to know what behaviors are good or bad in this regard.
Therefore trying to direct our evolution can’t be successful, at least not predictably, or reliably.”
Apart from the many things we agree on, the thing we don’t agree on is the direction, purpose of natural evolution.
I don’t want to overcomplicate things, what we can observe is the tendency in nature towards increasingly complex mutual integration in order to create and sustain life.
The easiest to observe this is in our own biological bodies, how everything from cells to the microbiome all integrate, mutually complement each other for a mutually beneficial life, “symbiosis".
And it didn’t just happen “out of nothing, suddenly", but this is the result of a billions of years of evolutionary process including how single-cell organisms combined to multi-cellular organisms for the evolutionary advantage, for a higher quality life.
Now Humanity is expected to make the same shift from an egotistic, individualistic, mutually exploitative life-form towards a collective, “multi-cellular" life-form.
Apart from the obvious advantages of greater problem-solving ability, safeguard our collective survival — as we become similar, adjusted to, compatible with Nature through our mutual integration — there are more quantitative, higher advantages we can discuss later when we at least secured our physical survival together.
So there are no secrets here, it is not “unknown" how, in what way we need to change, it’s is very clear and precise — except that it goes against our egocentric, individualistic, subjective nature, so we resist with all of forces.
This is why we need the special method on one hand, and Nature’s increasing pressure, the threat of self-destruction on the other hand!