Everything is in our own hands!
Question from the Internet:
“Seeing as everything is today. Will the world continue Improving or go into decline?”
For the first time in history what happens next truly depends on us.
As strange as it might sound, so far we did not have any free choice in our development, as human history has been a blind, instinctive affair, all human beings being driven by their inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and exploitative nature, program.
This has been dictating the helplessly recurring, vicious historic cycles, and causes our seemingly inevitable sleepwalk towards self-destruction.
But as a result of this imminent, very real danger of self-annihilation, as a result of a rude awakening from nature, many people started asking about “meaning/purpose of life”.
And through such questions, we can reach a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method that can teach us how to take consciously into our own hands our future development — this time aligned with Nature’s relentless, and deterministic evolutionary direction towards ever-increasing mutual integration and positive, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation.
If we take this process into our hands right here right now, we can shift our development from growing, changing through intolerable suffering towards a pleasant, conscious process of purposeful, constant evolutionary self-change, self-upgrade.