Everything depends on our intentions
Question from the Internet:
“Trade can make everyone better off?”
It is very simple. Trade can make everybody better off, if the purpose, intention of the trade is to make everybody better off.
As with everything else in life everything depends on our intentions, not on the actual action.
By default, our intentions are inherently self-serving, egocentric, and exploitative. This is why whatever we introduce, invent, use it becomes a vehicle towards increasing individual, selfish profit, or we use them to potentially or actually harm others.
Everything depends on the intentions, thus all our ‘solutions” that are aimed at changing ideologies, systems, leaders, or experts without changing the underlying intentions, the purpose only leads to greater problems, deeper crisis.
The only solution for any of the problems Humanity is facing is changing our intentions first of all. And since we all have inherently egocentric, selfish intentions -whether we are conscious about them or not — acquiring new, mutually responsible, mutually complementing, positive intentions requires a unique, purposeful, and highly practical educational method in a special, conductive environment.