Establishing true peace
Question from the Internet:
“What is the best way to live peacefully with someone you don’t see eye to eye with?”
For that, we need a unique “peace education”.
First of all, we all need to understand and accept how different we are from each other, how egocentric, subjective, self-serving and self-justifying we all are and as a result we have no chance of understanding, accepting others.
Even our friendships, alliances are based on temporary agreements when both parties benefit selfishly from the “union” but as soon as that selfish benefit goes, the friendship, alliance, or even love is broken, replaced by the usual hate, rejection.
Only when we understand the instincts, desires, intentions that drive all of us can we understand, feel that for true connections, for true, lasting peace we need to learn how to rise above our inherent nature — which we cannot suppress or erase — by searching for, building higher, all-powerful common goals, purpose that can neutralize the rejecting, distrusting, hateful force in us, allowing to constantly renew and maintain the peace, connection.
True connection, peace is not a Hollywood image of friends riding, sailing into the sunset while hugging each other. Instead, it is a highly fragile, dynamic state when we are very much aware of all the forces that try to separate us but we also consciously, methodically work on, maintain the connections, collective goals that can keep us united above and against everything else.