Envy is an awesome engine we can learn to use
Question from the Internet:
“Why do we have so much envy in the world today?”
Envy is one of the most natural human characteristics, as our inherently egocentric, subjective, self-justifying nature constantly compares itself to others, constantly thrives to become better, higher, stronger, wealthier than others.
Most of the time this envy is negative and as a result we are happy for the misfortune of others, if we succeed at their expense this gives us the greatest pleasure. And if we can’t succeed, are least we try to make sure that others don’t succeed either.
We can’t suppress, erase envy, as we can’t suppress, erase our egoistic nature in general, since we have nothing else.
But we can learn how to harness the awesome power of our ego, we can learn how to use envy in a positive, mutually supportive, mutually complementing way, so we could each learn from each other, receive unique abilities, qualities from each other so we all progress swiftly towards common, collective goals.