“End of Times” or Turning Point?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJun 27, 2020

When people are warning about “unprecedented crisis”, the “end of our civilization”, collapse of the present “socio-economic system” there are people who dismiss it, saying that there have been many warnings about “end of times” before.

It is true.

But the above-mentioned descriptions of our current situation are not predictions, they are simply describing what is happening in the world right now with the virus stopping the usual flow, the unsustainable, excessive Human socio-economic system falling apart (as it was already falling apart even before the virus), unemployment growing, recession coming which we haven’t seen since the 2nd WW, global temperatures rapidly rising, water sources depleting, etc.

These are all facts on the ground, expectations from world leaders, economists, other experts all over the world anybody can read about.

Moreover, I am not sure what “end of times” actually means.

I don’t think people are expecting some dark angels coming and destroying us, or other graphic scenarios from religious books, Hollywood movies. Scenes, events similar to the 1930s, 1940s our times parallel very closely could be considered “end of times”, end of an era, and if we sleepwalk into a world war it could be the “end of life” for billions of people.

We are talking about very real things that happen to us day to day, here and now, and this is why we need to take them seriously and start acting to prevent them.

Moreover, wise sages who could interpret the ancient, symbolic prophecies in earlier writings tell us, that it is not difficult at all to predict Human history with its recurring vicious cycles as long as Human beings continue blindly following their inherently self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic and exploitative nature, as then history is an automatic recurring wave, going through the same mistakes, committing the same crimes on an increasingly greater, more explosive scale.

(Interestingly Isaac Asimov’s famous “Foundation” books were based on the same idea of predicting the course of history in advance with mathematical formulas with a large enough sample of people, knowing the usual instinctive, predictable reactions of Human beings in societies.)

Changes are only possible if we start to rise above the blind, instinctive behavior and we start using our Human free choice and unique Human mind capable of critical self-assessment, self-change.

Humanity up to this point has not taken its own fate into its own hands this way, our history and present-day development have been a blind, instinctive affair. It is our generation that received the chance to “defy” the prophets and turn the course of Human development towards a more positive and constructive direction.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.