Education against war
There is only one way for the world to become one, united, surviving, instead of a seemingly inevitable war that could wipe all of us out:
The reason why we are sleepwalking towards our own civilization-ending explosion - probably in a form of a global, nuclear war - is that we can’t act against our inherently selfish, hateful, explosive egos that drive us towards constant, ruthless, exclusive competition, success and survival at the expense of each other.
And while our self-destructive, inherent nature, operating software remains that same, it doesn’t matter what we try through political, economic, social, and military means, we will only dig ourselves ever deeper into crisis, self-destruction.
And only a unique, purposeful, practical educational method can help us change ourselves willingly, without coercion, without misleading propaganda, people joining through their free choice, through positive motivation.
Introducing, implementing this unique education is the key to our collective Human survival - against ourselves!