Does it matter what culture we choose?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJan 27, 2023


Question from the Internet:

“What cultures are worth trying?”

Culture is not something we are “trying.” Cultures — the external expression of a certain society as a result of the interactions, beliefs, and ideologies of the people living in that society — are “natural occurrences.”

They developed as people organized themselves into different societies while our inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic nature developed. Cultures depend on the type of people who live in that society, their location and natural conditions, and the root of the nations, languages, and approaches to reality prevalent in that society.

We can see very distinct differences between different geographical locations, natural conditions (type of terrain, weather, opportunities for different agriculture, industry, or trade), and human races in relation to their cultures.

But the bottom line is that all cultures are rooted in the same, inherently self-centered, self-serving, self-justifying, and exploitative human nature we are all born with.

Today we are losing the original cultures as our world, and human interactions in the world are vastly different than they used to be. We do not live in isolated villages or countries any longer; we live in a globally integrated and fully interdependent system. We still have distinct differences between certain races, philosophies, and governing social and economic systems, but these differences are gradually washed away.

Today we live in a generation where all differences disappear, even if we artificially try to keep them. Today young people question even their “humanity” or “gender,” which previous generations took for granted or given.

Thus “trying different cultures” does not make much sense anymore. It is as futile and pointless as trying to escape back to the past. Instead, we need to come to research and understand the actual world we exist in — which we have never truly learned and recognized before. We also need to come to understand our own nature and how we can adjust our nature and the way we interact with each other and the world, so we become as compatible with existence as possible.

And as unique, empirical natural scientists — who have been studying human nature and the natural system we exist in for millennia — suggest, the most important for us is to learn what nature’s laws and its evolutionary plan demand and expect from us. We need to learn and follow the “culture” of nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system.

That is where true life and optimal development are found and experienced.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.