Do we need an “Almighty Creator” to save us?!
An opinion from the Internet:
“In class societies, it is not possible to get unity, and Human need has to be more important than profits and wealth, but this is not achievable by Humans. Only the Almighty Creator of the Universe has the power to achieve what Humans cannot possibly achieve. Left to Humans, we will all become Extinct.”
You are completely right that in our present societies — that are based on different classes, arranged around a pyramid system where the most selfish and egoistic people control and exploit the less selfish and egoistic masses — unity is not possible.
In fact, as long as we blindly follow our inherently egocentric and subjective nature, which cares only for the selfish pursuit of pleasures while distancing the person from the pain, we will continue to self-destruct, and we cannot expect anything good regarding the future.
And you are also right that by ourselves, we are incapable of correcting ourselves even if we try to do it together, after all, one cannot lift oneself by pulling one’s own hair.
So we definitely need an “external force” to help us.
Here comes the question: who or what is this “Almighty Creator of the Universe” that can help us?! And the next question is: would this external force help us without our request or participation?
The Wisdom of Kabbalah explains that this “Almighty Creator” is not some “humanoid” ruler that controls, rewards and punishes us according to some “human-like emotions”, being angry or loving as certain books and methods describe it.
Instead, his “Creator” is the all-encompassing force of Nature or the force of evolution, operating a living system based on absolute laws according to a single deterministic plan with a very distinct origin and a predetermined final goal.
Moreover, as Kabbalah explains, even human beings being born “evil” with a cancer-like, egotistic, selfish and exploitative nature is also purposeful and positive. Only when we recognize our destructive inherent nature and purposefully, willingly and consciously start correcting ourselves and adapting ourselves to Nature’s lawful and deterministic system can we become truly Human: conscious beings that developed themselves by their own efforts in order to become similar to Nature, or “similar to the Creator”.
As soon as we start such conscious and willing efforts to correct and further develop ourselves, Nature’s forces and its evolutionary “flow” start to join and support our efforts. It is similar to turning our sails in the right direction, and then the strong winds of change and evolution start to partner and push us forward instead of “punishing” us and capsizing our common boat.
In fact, in such a lawful system, we ourselves punish or reward ourselves by simply ignoring or observing Nature’s strict and unchanging laws, while the “Creator”/Nature remains unchanging, simply pushing us forward towards the predetermined final goal either with or without our consent and participation.