Do we live in “Plato’s Cave”?
Question from the Internet:
“Can Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” shed light on any real-world issues today?”
Yes. Plato graphically described our inherent perception of reality that is true to all of us, without exception.
We are all born into our own, 100% egocentric, subjective caves. We do not see or sense anything else from the world but what is deemed important to our 100% self-serving, self-justifying and individualistic calculations that are based on selfish pleasures and distancing ourselves from pain and suffering.
As a result, we are all “watching shadows” on the walls of our own caves, limiting and misinterpreting whatever our already limited 5 physical senses bring us. And even when we try to improve those senses with technology, the final interpretation and the conclusion we draw from whatever we encounter still remain 100% egocentric and subjective.
Our whole world is built on shaky grounds since we do not have absolute facts or truth; everything and anything humanity has ever come up with is arbitrary, misleading, and temporary, depending on our actual states, conditions, and moods, and totally egotistic intentions.
This is why today, the whole world is slipping through our fingers since the world we live in is an illusion; it is an artificial “Matrix” our ego has built for millennia.
Our problem-solving ability and continuing survival depend on each of us leaving our inherent caves and acquiring a truly objective viewpoint that is devoid of any subjective or egocentric bias and distortion.
This requires a special method that can teach us how to see, sense, and perceive the world through the desires and viewpoints of others. And when we drag our “observer self” through the purifying and cleaning filter of a special environment, then we will acquire that unique, truly Human viewpoint that can exist and sense above and against our original “cave.”