Discussion about Human nature, evolution…
Opinion from the Internet about Evolution and the Human role in it:
There have been 5 extinction events (yes, I know some people are saying 6 extinction events).
440 million years ago, Ordovician silurian Extinction.
365 million years ago Devonian Extinction.
250 million years ago Permian Triassic Extinction
210 million years ago Triassic- jurassic Extinction event.
65 million years ago, Cretaceous-tertiary Extinction.
These events took out most of the inhabitants of the earth in their time. These events set everything up for an entirely different world. Brand new world. We had absolutely nothing to do with any of the times the earth threw a hissy fit, and reduced the populations of creatures. Which is why I say even we will go extinct.
There actually are a few animals that are self aware. We have thumbs and hands. We can build. We built a bigger brain.
I so hate to argue with the environmentalist. I know they mean well. I know they want what is best for the world. But the world includes people. The earth on the other hand, does not necessarily include people.
There has been absolutely no peer reviewed studies about the ‘earth’ getting better while the pandemic has raged. But there is also little proof that the pandemic has even raged. I ask if you do not have a window. Or perhaps you are very young. The world around me actually looks better than it did when I was in my early 20’s. A lot better. That was done by concerned citizens. We do not have the power to alter the climate, up or down. The climate has been warmer and the earth goes on. It has also been colder, and still it goes on. Depending on what the next extinction event will be, there is a good chance our frail bodies will not survive.
We are not special. We are not magical. We do not have the power over our environment that some people think we do. But for now, we do rule the World. In times the earth will change that.
Thank you for your response.
I do not have the desire or the ability to convince you about anything.
So I just outline for you what I have been studying, following according to a unique empirical Natural science that has been studying Human nature, Human development and Nature’s system for millennia.
Based on your response to me and to another person here it seems to me that you consider evolution a “random affair” without any particular direction, purpose. And in this evolution we, Human beings just happen to appear and we should just take life as it is, use, exploit whatever we can, as long as we can, until we inevitably disappear this way or that way.
You also mentioned “peer review” studies about Human effect on Nature, but unfortunately we also know that there are no such things, as according to our inherently egocentric, subjective nature we can prove, disprove anything we like and twist statistics, data as much as we want to show that what we “prove” is truthful. Thus for some Nature’s recovery during the quarantine was real and proving while for others nothing noteworthy happened.
And you look out the window and see an ever improving world while others see a Humanity that can hardly wait to self-destruct, even within this generation. And there is no way one group could talk to, convince the others, as we all want to prove what we believe in at all cost.
The science I study, follow describes precisely how and why our Human nature behaves like this and what we could do to improve on this state.
This science also explains that evolution is “intelligent” and purposeful, moreover we have a unique Human role in it, this is why we received our unparalleled self-awareness, thinking ability, to ponder notions like “meaning/purpose in life” contrary to all other animals that are instinctively, automatically integrated into Nature without any such doubts, questions, remaining unchanged for millions of years.
Thus right now Humanity is also splitting into two parts, one that is content with the usual basic, instinctive existence, defining purpose in fulfilling the “animate/social” desires of food, sex, family, wealth, power, fame and knowledge, stubbornly ignoring any need, urge for changes, wanting to “return to normal” when the pandemic is over.
The other part feels that there is “more to life” and that there is an overall meaning to it, moreover there is a “higher definition” of being Human which they try to find. They also think that the present crisis and the impending doom are here to urge us to rise above the usual instinctive existence and start developing towards becoming “truly Human” accusing to what evolution demands from us.
This is it. So our free choice is about which group of people we want to assign ourselves. If we have enough people - a critical mass - that chooses the second, purposeful correction, they can pull even the other group towards safety and I overall Human purpose.
Thank you for the opportunity to explain this.