Developing true, sustainable peace
Question from the Internet:
“What can be done to change the world system of government for peaceful coexistence?”
We cannot achieve peace with the current “world system of government”. Those who presently lead, govern the world at any level, are incapable of peace, since they are all brought up, educated, pressed by the inherently egocentric, subjective, exploitative consciousness, worldview, attitude we are all born with.
And they are all completely entrenched in this destructive modus operandi and all the lobbies, conditions, influences surrounding them are also reinforcing this behavior which constantly leads to conflict, ruthless competition, survival, and success at each other’s expense, war.
True peace — constantly renewed, fragile, positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing global interconnections and cooperation above and against the vast diversity, differences of opinions, despite the constant, ever-growing distrust and animosity — is something we have to learn. True peace is something that will have to grow, develop from the grassroots as a result of completely new education, mutual activities.
Only when a new generation grows up as a result of this crucially important, purposeful education, then can people build societies, systems that can guarantee sustainable peace.