Developing a different, “Human fear”
Yes, the fear and responding out of fear makes both the pandemic and all other aspects of life much worse.
A certain level of fear is good as it keeps us alert, be on our toes, so we can respond quicker, we can even prepare in advance and prevent things.
But the fear prevalent in our societies is blind fear which arises from our ignorance and our complete incompatibility with the Natural system we exist in, which system we do not know yet.
Thus we act exactly like instinctive animals, so when some danger comes we run away while stumbling into every possible trap, obstacle, hole on the road, and then when the next danger comes we run to another direction like headless chickens.
We need to delve deeper into knowing Nature’s fully integrated system instead of just scratching the surface. We can’t get beyond the surface as our inherently egocentric, subjective, exploitative approach acts as a wall, separating us from deeper inspection, understanding. After all perception, research requires a certain level of similarity, “matching frequency” with whatever we try to perceive, research.
If we do not have matching qualities, impressions, similar templates inside, we have no way of comprehending what we want to touch, attain. Like I can’t understand another person unless I at least try feeling what the other feels, try seeing things from the other’s point of view.
So in order to get deeper into Nature’s system, to become “insider” observers and sense, research all the cause and effect processes, the general developmental plan affecting everything, we need to purposefully, methodically acquire similarity with the system.
This means taking on Nature’s fundamental qualities of selfless, mutually responsible and mutually complementing integration, which we can do among ourselves, building at least small, purposeful environments built on Nature’s template.
Then those people who participate in building such an environment could become the unique, pioneer, empirical scientists of Nature, fully understanding, mapping what is happening “behind the scenes” others cannot see.
Moreover, by becoming integral parts of the system, seeing its perfection, operation from within these people will develop a new, truly Human fear above the usual, instinctive animal fear. They will start to fear to harm the system, they will understand their unique role in the system and how crucial that role is for maintaining the fragile balance and homeostasis life and optimal development depends on.
As a result, they will rise to a completely different level of existence, to qualitatively much higher consciousness, perception, above all personal, egocentric, subjective limitations.