Covid-19: Which “normal” do we want to return to after the lockdown ends?
Everything depends on our definition of “normal”.
If we go back to life as we were before the pandemic, we will risk not only another pandemic, or a different kind of plague due to antibiotics resistance, but we will continue to struggle with all our mounting global problems and will remain incapable of responding properly to any future threats.
Our “old” system is based on our inherently selfish, exploitative nature, on the excessive overproduction/overconsumption and ruthless, exclusive competition, success at the expense of others that destroys human relationships and the natural environment.
Thus, first of all, we would need to redefine “normal”, according to the unbending, iron laws of the natural system we exist in, which laws govern the fragile balance and homeostasis which facilitates life. We will need to resemble Nature’s purposeful, deterministic integration and interdependence by building similar integration, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation with each other.
Returning to the “old normal” means a blind, instinctive fallback into a Human development defined by suffering, moving forward pushed by perpetual crisis, pain.
Moving forward to a “new normal” means a new, conscious Human development, taking our fate into our own hands by aligning ourselves with Nature’s evolution.