Covid-19: Upgrading the Human Software
Virus as Upgrade
A virus is like a “software patch” that can change, corrupt or upgrade an operating software both in our bodies and in computers.
Humanity will sooner or later find an answer to the actual Covid-19 virus, even if it comes back with different, mutated forms. Still how Human society operates, how we develop from now on, that will change in a fundamental way.
We all know that this pandemic - though infecting a lot of people and taking tens of thousands of lives - is not the most severe blow Humanity had to cope with. Still it came at a unique intersection in our development which made this pandemic a turning point in Human history.
Blind, Instinctive Human History
So far Human evolution was completely blind, instinctive, as we have been following our inherently selfish, egotistic nature, helplessly stumbling through recurring vicious cycles as - due to the constant, ruthless, exclusive competition, success, survival at the expense of each other - each cycles run into inevitable dead-ends and we changed - by tuning the actual civilization - when life became intolerable to a sufficiently large amount of people.
We can call this kind of development the “path of suffering”, crisis situations, pain, suffering pushing us forward against our will.
What we tend to forget a few weeks into this “forced break” is that our own, proud civilization - that’s entirely built on excessive overproduction, overconsumption, measuring everything including Human beings through material possessions, material growth, GDP, stock exchange performance and celebrity status - was already in the verge of collapse.
In a Unique Vacuum, Chance for Review
The virus acted as if pausing our movie heading towards a Shakespearean ending, giving us an unprecedented review, overview of our past and present, providing the opportunity to prepare for the future.
Humanity never had such a chance for review, as each civilization change unfolded in a frantic fashion, already aiming at the next ideology, system “boldly destroying” the present for the sake of the future. Our egotistic nature impatiently pushed us forward expecting even greater return, success from the next system.
The End Of Egotistic Development
Now in this unique vacuum we are we - at least a healthy, awaken minority - can already see and understand that we can’t simply waltz back into it “old life”, as if nothing happened. In the other hand we can also see that we don’t have any more, attractive egocentric, self-serving new ideology, system that could entice us to change and move forward.
We have used all possible egotistic ideologies, systems together with all possible combinations of them, even now there are different “experiments” going on - all failing.
So the virus “put a new bug into our mind” that suggests: from now on we need to focus on changing the Human being, the “user”, rather than changing the governing, economic, social systems or the whole world around us.
Turning to Nature’s Template for Rebuilding
Moreover finally a large enough among of people recognized the perfect template we could go by, outside of our egocentric, subjective ideas, philosophies: Nature’s perfect system.
If the awakened, aware, sensitive amount of people reaches the necessary “critical mass” (about 10–15% if an actual society), then with the help of the right, purposeful and highly practical educational method we can initiate the necessary changes, upgrading, fine tuning our own software - initiated by the virus - to adapt ourselves to Nature’s system.
Laying Down New Foundations
Starting from initially small, closed, mutually responsible, mutually complement, fully committed “cells” - that are ready to become the pioneers of the method - we can rapidly grow the necessary global network which will become the new - this time natural, solid and conscious - foundation for a global Human society.
As a result this new civilization will be “Nature-like”, based on mutually responsible, mutually complementing Human interconnections, and an economic system following the optional balance between myself, natural, Human necessities and available resources.
Then this new civilization will finally break away from the usual vicious, historic cycles, evolving, developing, growing together with Nature as partners.