Covid-19 laying the cornerstone for the next Human civilization

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readApr 27, 2020

Covid-19 hastens the collapse of our present civilization that is a combination of different cultures, nations, different governing, social, and economic systems. But they will all collapse as they are all built on the same foundation: our own inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egotistic, and individualistic nature.

Without exception, all existing systems today — as well as through at any time in Human history — thrive for the excessive accumulation of individual, national wealth at the expense of others, thrive for ruthless, exclusive competition, the defeat, humiliation of others, surviving at each other’s expense.

Our current civilization was already on the verge of collapse before the pandemic, basically on life-support at least since 2008.

Thus the virus simply brought the end closer, saving us some time to prepare for rebuilding our Human system.

Thus now we have a unique free choice.

Do we rebuild instinctively, without an honest self-scrutiny on the same values, aspirations, trying to revive the same ideologies, systems we have already failed with?

Or we take a brave and wise decision that there is no point in repeating what has not been working — after all even Einstein remarked that the sign of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results — and this time humbly accept that we are not outside of Nature’s system, we are not greater, stronger than Nature, we can’t just do whatever we want, replacing, erasing, changing everything according to our egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception.

Then we become ready to learn and use Nature’s perfect blueprint, rebuilding Human society on the basis of mutually responsible, mutually complementing cooperation between individuals and nations above and despite everything that separates us. We won’t suppress, erase individual, national identities, we will strengthen, cherish them as well as unique abilities, talents. But we will learn how to combine them into a perfectly functioning, harmonious network, mosaic system in which we can enliven an unprecedented mutual communication, circulation like Nature’s “innate circle of life”.

This way we will be able to finally build a civilization that has a future, which is stronger, safer, more peaceful and sustainable than any previous one — since this civilization won’t be against, incompatible with Nature, but will complement, partner it, thus also harvesting all the unprecedented reward for it.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.