Covid-19: Giving us an unprecedented choice
Inevitably yes.
The world is already united in fear of the virus. This is the first time in our modern history that something united Humanity in such a way. Wars are between people, natural catastrophes affect those most who are next to them. Even the last financial crisis affected people in an uneven way.
But this virus suddenly made us all equal, standing on the same side. And the subsequent socio-economic crisis will also probably be so deep, all-inclusive that it will not matter who is rich, who isn’t, where one was located in Humanity’s pyramid as the higher one is the more they will loose and whatever they have will be worth nothing.
Thus we will be forced to work together on securing collective survival. And the other uniqueness of this virus is that although it stops our present system, it does not devastate our assets, technological abilities like wars, revolutions, natural catastrophes do.
Even when the crisis wipes out all the excesses, unnecessary production, consumption we will still have all our abilities to cater to our natural, modern, Human necessities — provided we learn how to distribute them in a fair, acceptable way, according to everybody’s most optimal, mutually responsible and mutually complementing contribution to the whole collective.
This is not socialism, communism, a liberal utopia or some mystical commune. We will develop towards this state naturally, by following Nature’s iron laws governing closed, integral, interdependent living systems — out of which Humanity is one.
We can do this consciously, by proactively revealing and accepting these laws together, or by going through repeated failures, worsening crisis situations, more global calamities if we stubbornly keep trying to go against these natural laws.
Thus now we have a free choice, in the continuing pause the Covid-19 virus gave us we can decide which of the two directions mentioned above we will follow.