Covid-19 changing how we think

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMay 8, 2020


The Coronavirus has the ability to completely change how we think about ourselves, how we change about the world we exist in. Such changes have actually, already stated.

The pandemic with its lockdown, pause — that is unprecedented in our history as it happened all over the globe, all 8 billion people facing the same threat, locked into their own houses without wars, without bloody revolutions — abruptly awakened us, unplugged us from the artificial, inhumane Matrix we have been existing in all our lives.

We went through a special, forced rehab, disconnecting us from the usual media, marketing brainwash, from the artificially generated overconsumption, incessant “circus and bread entertainment”.

Most importantly instead of thinking only about ourselves, about our own narrow circle, maximum our own nations, we started to think globally.

It is this new, “global vision” which is the most important change. Suddenly we started to understand what it means to live in a Natural system that is interdependent, where we are obliged to be responsible for everybody, regardless of where they live, who they are.

Of course, this is still a step too far, as it is so different from our usual, instinctive, egotistical, subjectively restricted vision that we can’t comprehend the changes yet. Thus we have two options ahead of us.

We can wait for the next, inevitably coming blows to make us feel this global interdependence, mutual responsibility again as a result of the threat, suffering, or we can proactively, consciously start adjusting, building the necessary mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation worldwide that can prepare us to those coming blows, which we can actually prevent if we already take on the integral form Nature’s evolution wants us to achieve.

This is the first time we can use such a free choice, where we can choose to start moving ahead of the developmental plan Nature relentlessly pursues towards the most optimal integration of its whole system — including Humanity — instead of waiting for the recurring, worsening crisis situations, vicious historic cycles to force us to develop.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.