Covid-19: Chance for a positive restart!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readApr 1, 2020

Plunged into the pandemic lockdown, fearing the Coronavirus we all feel like waking up from a coma, or like people “accidentally” unplugged from the “Matrix”.

As a result of the pandemic and subsequent restrictions, lockdown we are ejected out of our daily routines, we are locked into our homes surrounded with our families instead of running around brainlessly, chasing work, consumption, entertainment we are programmed to chase and “desire”.

At the moment the “Matrix” is down, giving us an unprecedented chance — actually the first free choice in Human history — where we could decide for ourselves in what kind of Human society we want to continue living.

Thus we ourselves can facilitate the positive global change if we read the lessons of the virus pandemic wisely.

Even if we just focus on two of the most important conclusions, we will already be able to make meaningful, sustainable changes.

The virus showed us first of all that we are all locked into the same, globally integrated and interdependent world where we are all mutually responsible for one another above borders, regardless of nationality, culture, religion or social status. On the other hand we all — both individually and nationally — reacted instinctively, in an egotistic, subjective manner, trying to survive at each other’s expense.

The integral laws of the Natural system we exist in won’t change, thus in order to solve our mounting, global problems — out of which the Covid-19 virus is only one — and to safeguard our collective Human existence — and by the nature of things only collectively can we survive, steering our common boat towards safety — we need to learn how to unite, build mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections, cooperation on a global scale.

And we have to do so without erasing, suppressing individual, national differences, uniqueness, without ignoring our instinctive mutual distrust, animosity but rising above them holding onto our common survival and evolutionary purpose.

And for this, we will need a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method which can fill the vacuum the loss of excessive, harmful activity, unemployment will create. Beyond making sure that everybody will have their healthy, normal, modern Human necessities fulfilled it is this education and mutual activities that we need to focus all the remaining energy, resources on.

After all, our Humanity is not defined by material possessions, wealth, fame, or power, but by the quantity and quality of mutual Human connections, we build with one another!



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.