Concious Human Evolution

Zsolt Hermann
5 min readSep 17, 2024


Question from the Internet:

What do you want the world to look like?

My answer:

In addressing the question, “What do you want the world to look like?”, the immediate response challenges the premise of the question itself: it does not matter what I want, nor does it matter what you or anyone else wants. This may seem counterintuitive, especially in a world that places significant emphasis on individual desires and personal aspirations. Yet, this perspective roots itself in a broader, more profound understanding of the nature of existence, evolution, and our place within it. It draws attention to the fact that humanity is part of a grander, deterministic, and uncompromising evolutionary process – one that functions according to a cosmic plan, indifferent to personal preferences and desires. The system in which we exist has a precise and predetermined goal, and it is this goal, not human whims, that dictates how the world should and will evolve.

The Nature of the System

At the heart of this worldview is the idea that everything in nature, including humanity, operates as part of an interconnected and preordained system. The natural world evolves unconsciously and instinctively toward balance, a process that follows its own intrinsic laws and structures. In this system, every part, from the tiniest cell to the largest ecosystem, exists to maintain the balance and homeostasis that sustains life. This harmony is foundational to the survival of the system as a whole.

Human beings, as part of this system, are unique in that they have the potential to become conscious partners in this evolutionary process. Unlike other elements of nature that evolve without awareness or choice, humanity has the capacity to engage with and influence the direction of its development. However, this potential remains largely untapped, as human beings are still governed by an instinctive, self-serving nature that drives them to consume, exploit, and destroy for their own gain.

The Human Dilemma: Our Egocentric Nature

The current state of humanity is characterized by an inherent egocentric and selfish operating system. This internal software drives human behavior in a way that is fundamentally opposite to how the rest of nature operates. While nature is characterized by selfless interconnection and mutual complementarity, humanity behaves more like a cancer, consuming resources and damaging the environment for personal benefit. This cancerous approach disrupts the natural balance, leading to ecological destruction, social strife, and global crises.

But this destructive nature was not an accident or a flaw. It was purposefully embedded in human beings by the evolutionary process. It is through starting from this oppositional, self-destructive state that humans are given the opportunity to develop and transcend their original nature. The challenge is not simply to recognize the disparity between our selfish tendencies and nature’s harmonious design but to consciously evolve into a higher state of being – a state that aligns with the greater cosmic plan.

The Path to Conscious Evolution

The evolution of humanity toward this higher state is not merely an option but a necessity. While the broader evolutionary process is deterministic and unchangeable, humanity’s role within it carries with it a unique potential for conscious participation. This potential, however, is only a possibility at present. Most humans continue to live blindly according to their egocentric instincts, unaware of the broader implications of their actions or their place within the cosmic plan.

The key to fulfilling our potential as conscious participants in evolution lies in recognizing and transcending our current operating system. Human beings must shift from their selfish, individualistic behavior to a nature-like state of selflessness, mutual responsibility, and collective well-being. This transformation is not merely moral or ethical – it is the foundation of human survival and flourishing. Only by upgrading our internal software can we evolve into the “truly Human” state, one that allows us to play our crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony of the whole system.

Free Choice and the Role of Human Will

While the process of evolution is deterministic, human beings are granted a measure of free choice in how they approach this process. The stages of development and the final outcome are predetermined, but how we reach this outcome is within our control. Humanity can choose to evolve blindly, driven by suffering and crises, or it can choose to consciously engage in its own development through a purposeful, practical method. This method, which is accessible to anyone willing to pursue it, offers a way to harmonize with the natural system voluntarily, rather than through compulsion by external forces.

A Vision of the Future

In a world where humanity embraces its role as conscious participants in the cosmic plan, the future looks vastly different from the present. Rather than a world driven by individual desires and competition for resources, it becomes one of collective consciousness, mutual responsibility, and interconnectedness. This new state of being would enable humanity to perceive reality in a way that is not limited by the subjective and egocentric constraints of time, space, and motion. Instead, humans would attain an expanded and objective worldview, one that reflects the integrated, harmonious nature of the entire system.

Such a world would not only be sustainable but would also offer a qualitatively higher existence. The destructive, cancer-like tendencies of humanity would be replaced by a new operating system – one that aligns with the life-sustaining forces of nature. In this state, human beings would no longer consume and destroy but would contribute to the balance and flourishing of all life. The result would be a world that reflects the perfect, final state of the system, a world in which humanity fulfills its unique and unparalleled role within nature’s grand design.


In conclusion, the question of what we want the world to look like is rendered irrelevant by the understanding that we are part of an evolutionary process that operates according to a predetermined plan. Our desires, individual or collective, cannot alter this process. What matters is whether we recognize and consciously engage with the opportunity to evolve beyond our current, destructive state. By choosing to develop a nature-like, selfless, and mutually complementary approach to life, humanity can fulfill its role in the cosmic plan, achieving a higher state of existence and contributing to the balance and harmony of the entire system. The world, therefore, should not be shaped by personal desires but by our willingness to align with the broader, unchangeable forces that govern all of life.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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