Changing the cold stony heart to a warm “fleshy” heart
When we look at the world today, we can see that humanity is in crisis. We see strife, conflicts, and wars everywhere, from the family level to the level between nations. Societies are breaking apart, people are protesting against each other, and everybody wants to cancel, censor, or destroy the other. This is because we are all born with an inherently egotistic, self-serving, and self-justifying nature. Consciously or unconsciously, we all succeed and prosper at the expense of others. Most people are not aware of this because we believe, honestly, that we are basically nice people who just want to get along, fulfill our necessities, and are capable of sympathy, empathy, and even loving each other.
Only when we honestly start to look at ourselves, especially when we start to measure our behavior and intentions through a special method, can we finally recognize and accept that indeed our inherent nature is 100% selfish, egotistic, and destructive. Of course, most people do not want to reveal this, and even if they are offered the chance to look into an honest mirror, they would rather run away and live as they always have, blindly following their inherent nature. On the other hand, the growing crisis – the seemingly inevitable and imminent self-destruction, either through wars or through destroying the planet – will force us to look into that mirror whether we want to or not. If we don’t want to wait for terrible suffering to force us to look into ourselves and finally recognize and accept that the problem, the cancer, is within ourselves, within our inherent nature, and that without changing ourselves we will not be able to survive, we will have to endure terrible suffering.
This is why we need a special method, which a very unique empirical scientist established for us. These scientists have been studying human nature and natural reality for millennia, and they can show us how we can safely and gradually recognize our inherent nature and also grow a desire to finally correct it and start a new phase of human development. These unique scientists call our inherent nature self-love because, by default, we are programmed in a way that we cannot make any calculation, decision, or action that does not lead to self-fulfillment. They call it a completely egocentric pleasure-pain calculation in our personal computer, in our brain, which calculates every move that can take us closer to ever-growing pleasures and distance us from pain and suffering.
This is the calculation, the software, we need to change and improve with the special upgrade received from nature’s evolutionary forces. Through this upgrade, we will become able to make calculations and act for the sake of others instead of constantly acting only for the sake of ourselves. Through this method, we can change our inherently cancer-like behavior to become healthy, mutually integrated, and mutually contributing cells that can create a living body with a unique collective human consciousness, which will then become nature’s integral, observable, and conscious mind.
If we look at ourselves more precisely, we will see that we cannot even call our behavior self-love. It is true that all our calculations and actions are only about fulfilling ourselves and chasing ever-growing pleasures, but this is more akin to drug addicts who just want to consume and obtain everything for their own pleasure, even if they are causing direct harm to themselves. Even if we just look at our normal lives, what we eat, what we drink, what pleasures we are chasing – even without hurting others, we are harmful to ourselves. We constantly convince ourselves that we are doing the right thing while at the same time we are destroying ourselves.
With our inherent nature, we cannot even love ourselves because we don’t even know what true love is. True love is what we can observe in nature; all of nature’s elements, apart from human beings, exist only to contribute to the general balance, harmony, and homeostasis, which is the basis of life. We can clearly observe this through the function of our biological body – how our cells and organs are functioning only in order to serve the whole body and provide its most optimal state for life and optimal development. This is the kind of state we need to achieve in human society and then in relation to humanity acting within nature.
This is why we have to recognize our inherently cancer-like, destructive nature first of all. Contrary to it, above it, and against it, we can develop a new nature-like mutual integration and mutually complementing cooperation. This will give us the unique human consciousness based on the contrast between our inherent nature and the new acquired nature, which will be necessary for us to fulfill our evolutionary human role to become nature’s conscious, integrated, but at the same time independent observers and benevolent partners.
We have to get to such a state where we recognize that our inner nature is truly acting and making us act like a drug addict. We have to recognize how empty our hearts are, how much we cannot think about anything else but to fulfill ourselves and exploit everybody else. We have to recognize that we can’t even love our own children or spouses, despite claiming how loving and supportive we are, because in truth, we cannot get out of our own self-serving, self-justifying, and exploitative cocoons.
Only when we recognize how cold and empty we are, how there is no true emotion in our hearts, and we are just causing harm and destruction to everybody, even our so-called loved ones, can we develop a true desire and need for change. Only when we start to truly reject and fear our own ego because we see the direct results of how harmful it is and how much it is dismissing and destroying everything and everybody around us, can we start to develop the motivation to change ourselves and want to develop true love towards others and towards nature’s system.
Only after rejecting and escaping from our egos with the help of special natural evolutionary forces can we start to become truly loving and serving by developing a state of existence where we do not exist for ourselves anymore, but pledge our existence only to serve and love others. This will be a very special state where we don’t even feel that we are existing or living. As long as we have to think about ourselves, we consider that state a very lowly, lifeless state. We will only feel life when everything is streaming through us from nature toward others, supporting, loving, and fulfilling them.
This will be a new, qualitatively much higher level of existence. This will be a truly human existence when we become similar to nature’s other elements, but in our case, we will do this consciously, constantly feeling and experiencing the cause and effect processes that lead to creating and nurturing life. We will become active partnering elements within nature, and in this way, we will become nature’s only truly conscious element that can truly partner with and guard nature. This is our human purpose in reality: to become these loving and supporting elements within humanity towards each other and towards nature, where all our activity and all our sense of existence is about existing and acting for the sake of others and the sake of the whole system, to make sure that we can continue creating and nurturing life in the system through the general balance and homeostasis, which we are actively sustaining and promoting.