Changing society so it could transform human relationships?
Question from the Internet:
“To what extent do social systems transform human relationships and change human beings?”
You are touching upon a unique “chicken or egg” scenario which has been buffling us since we know it.
There is no question about human society influencing and shaping human beings and how they rekate to each other.
On the other hand, what is a human society? Human society is a collection of individual human beings, who start to relate to each other according to their inherent nature and their goals, values ands aspiration that are all based on their inherent nature.
It turns out, that individual human beings behave with a special duality in society. On the one hand, we are all like embryos in a human incubator, being developed and influenced by everything that exists within that society, becoming its product.
On the other hand, we are all part of that human incubator, contributing to its influence on everybody within that society with everything we put into the that society.
And here, that most important thing to understand and accept is that we are all born with an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and individualistic nature. Thus it does not matter what social system we live in, what ideology we have on our banners and what way the economy and governance works. Everything we do and all our aspirations and goals are based on 100% egocentric and subjective calculations and decisions.
And this is why human has been blindly stumbling from one vicious historical cycle to another and this is why we are now sleepwalking towards a global meltdown.
On the large, passive and blindly instinctive scale of global society we cannot discern these things and we cannot make any changes. Only in small, closed, uniquely organized and conducted groups among sensitive and mutually committed and mutually supportive people can we start recognizing our original nature and its effect on human relationships. And only when we recognized and accepted the instinctive intentions and actions that are all inevitably harmful and self-destructive can we willingly, purposefully and methodically change and further develop ourselves until from such small cells we can build a human society that has positive influence on human relationships.
Only such a new, positive and consciously supportive and constructive human society, where each individual exists for the wellbeing and benefit of others can we positively and successfully transform human beings.