Changing our viewpoint on reality
Question from the Internet:
“How can I change my point of view from an experience I saw to be a disaster/failure into a positive and uplifting experience?”
As you said very correctly, it all depends on our point of view, or perception of reality.
By default, we all perceive reality from a 100% egocentric, subjective and individualistic viewpoint. Our measurements of “good vs. evil”, “pleasant vs. unpleasant”, “attractive or rejecting”, “positive or negative” are all measured according to our own, totally introverted “pleasure/pain” calculations.
Moreover, all our measurements are made minute-by-minute, based on our actual or immediate state, without any general of systematic scope in relation to an overall purpose.
If we were capable of escaping our inherently egocentric, subjective and individualistic bubbles, and we gained a systematic scope with an overall, all-encompassing purpose towards which we can align everything that happens to us and others, our whole life experience would change.
By default, we are like single cells in a vast, totally integrated and interdependent super-organism that goes beyoind humanity and encompasses the whole of reality. With our original scope, we can only discern and assess what is happening within our tiny and seemingly insignificant “singular cell”, totally disconnected from the existence and experience of the whole living system.
If we took a single cell from our biological body and tried to see what happens in the body through the experience of that single cell alone, we would get a crazy, chaotic, destructive and pointless existence with a desperatrely helpless day-to-day survival. But on the level of the systematic consciousness of the body, we feel ourselves existing, developing, doing all kinds of purposeful and positive actions that the single cells simply cannot sense or comprehend.
In terms of our individual existence in the vast system we are all integral parts of, we feel the same like a single, disconnected cell in our body. If we managed to build unique, mutually responsible and mutually complementing interconnections and cooperation with other people, if we learned how to perceive and experience reality through the desires and viewpoints of others above and against our original viewpoint, we could acquire a completely new, systemic and composite perception of reality.
It is not enough that we would gain a much higher and complete picture of reality, but through this new viewpoint we would also open up and comprehend all the cause and effect processes that determine life and we would also understand the whole, evolutionary and development process our natural reality is existing by.
And through this new, mutual and complete viewpoint and attainment of reality we would be able to place everything that has ever happened to us in its rightful and necessary purposeful place, all leading to a final, most optimal state of existence.
This is something completely practical and realistic, it is something we can start to learn and practice here and now, through the right environment with the help of a special, purposeful and practical method