Changing our self-consuming Human society for the better
Question from the Internet:
Do you think we are currently experiencing cancel culture?
Yes, we do. Since we do not have any solutions for our mounting — global — problems, we try to erase, make disappear what we do not know how to solve. We are full of “red tapes”, dogmas, “free speech” restrictions, defensive policies.
In truth we live in a very paralyzed society which stopped developing, living, we are simply consuming ourselves, trying to revive, resuscitate old philosophies, ideologies which we have already failed with.
We are against a thick wall in Human development we cannot break through.
And this is because the “rules of the game of life” have changed completely! Although before we could grow, develop, progress with our inherently selfish, individualistic, exploitative nature, succeeding, surviving at each other’s expense while depleting Nature, now suddenly we find ourselves locked into a globally integrated and interdependent world where our previous “modus operandi” has become like cancer.
If we needed any proof of that — though we have been in perpetual crisis for decades — the pandemic and our woefully inadequate, self-destructive reactions, “solutions”, misinformation, lack of coordination, playing against each other gave us this proof in a very sharp, clear manner.
If we do not want to continue this “cancel culture”, self-consuming” behavior until we “cancel ourselves completely”, we will need to learn the Natural laws governing closed, integral, living systems, since Humanity is such a system.
Then through a special, purposeful, and highly practical educational method, we will be able to rebuild Human society, our system to become adapted, compatible with Nature. Then we will find all the needed solutions, blueprints within Nature’s “infinite database” through our similarity, mutual interactions with the system.