Capitalist human beings in Nature’s Communist system
Question from the Internet:
“Why do the adepts of capitalism call the ideals of personal enrichment, greed, and meanness imposed by capitalism “human nature”, and they call the possibility of choosing a master “freedom”?”
Actually, they are right. Raw capitalism — an insatiable desire for selfish fulfillment profit achieved at the expense of others — is the most accurate expression of our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic nature.
It is true that there are national, cultural differences between people and then within each nation we also have layering according to the hunger, insolence of the insatiable ego, we all differ in our willingness to sacrifice ourselves and others for what we want. But at the bottom, in each and every human being the same basic software operates: a 100% selfish, exploitative “pleasure/pain” calculation about how to immediately fulfill my introverted desires, needs with minimal investment, preferable at the expense of others.
It does not matter if we are aware of this engine humming in us or not, human history and our present society serve as proof.
It is true many times people revolted against feudalistic, capitalistic systems, but the longer communistic, socialistic ideologies, systems were implemented the more people started rejecting the idea of loss of personal property, the idea to be responsible for others, the idea of sharing, efforting for collective goals, until communism, socialism needed, needs to be maintained by sheer force, restrictions, terror — because it is against our nature.
This is why in every nation, culture, where people do not live in Capitalism, they aspire to do so, trying to copy the Western lifestyle with all their might.
So what can we do, especially when capitalism is self-destructing like cancer and with our inherent nature and system it operates we are incompatible with Nature’s “communistic” system that is built on mutual integration, altruistic, unconditional service of others and the system?!
We need to learn about our own nature, fully understanding its cancer-like, destructive qualities, we need to understand the laws of Nature that are obligatory to us as well, and then we need to learn how to harness, channel the awesome power, insatiable desire of the ego towards positive, constructive, collective goals, purposes for everybody’s and Nature’s benefit.
Only a unique, purposeful and practical educational method — based on Nature’s most fundamental laws — can help us understand and feel our total interdependence, how much the success, health, survival, and prosperity of each individual equals the success, health, survival, and prosperity of the whole system. Then we will have no problem channeling, using the ego for the right intentions, purpose without suppressing, erasing it — which is not possible anyway.
We can learn to successfully combine our inherently raw capitalistic nature and Nature’s communistic system laws as “truly Human” beings, conscious partners with Nature.