Can we work for collective goals?
Question from the Internet:
“Should everyone on the planet be striving toward a common goal? If so, what would that be?”
The answer is a resounding yes. And the most obvious common goal we all need to strive for right now is our collective Human survival.
At this stage — as a result of blindly following our inherently selfish, egocentric, subjective, and individualistic nature — we are on the brink of seemingly inevitable self-destruction.
We can see how desperately helpless we are in comprehending let alone solving such global problems, threats like the pandemic or climate change — not to mention all the other problems like imminent socioeconomic collapse, wars for example.
In a globally integrated, interdependent world, being also part of Nature’s fully integrated system — only through positive, constructive, sustainable, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cooperation can we solve problems and safeguard our survival.
Then, when we managed to do this and get used to such collective action, using the collective intellect we can build together, we will gradually recognize, feel much higher, more qualitative reasons to keep working for common goals.
The continuing positive, mutually beneficial co-existence, cooperation will open such pleasures, abilities, cooperation with Nature’s system — as a result of becoming similar with Nature through our mutual integration — that will easily overcome our inherently egocentric, individualistic tendencies trying to separate us.