Can we see evidence of dystopia in today’s society?
Question from the Internet:
“How can we see evidence of dystopia in today’s society?”
From Google:
adjective: dystopian
- relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.”the dystopian future of a society bereft of reason”
What is an example of dystopian?
One of the most famous dystopian fiction examples is George Orwell’s 1984 (1948). Orwell’s book imagines what England would be like under extreme fascist or totalitarian rule, such as that of Nazi Germany or The Soviet Union.
I think if we look at our present, “modern” world closely, we see the above description everywhere.
We usually try to apply the “Orwellian” example to fascism or communism only, but what about the all-pervasive, 24/7 media and entertainment brainwash, the openly “guided” ideology and political correctness that controls and misguided the whole Western society today?
We usually think “suffering or injustice” needs to mean graphic Hollywood examples and zombies roaming around. What about our actual depression, emptiness, drug use statistics, and our total inability to form normal, lasting, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing interconnections and cooperation between individuals and nations? What about the terrible suffering of youth since they have absolutely no humane values or aspirations to follow or aim at?
What about worshipping the worst kind of “human beings” just because the media makes them celebrities and influencers, dragging humanity down to such filth we all turned away from a few generations ago?
How do you enjoy the loud, flashy, and totally ineffective self-justifying conferences and “agreement signings” in relation to global problems that are not, in effect, threatening our existence? Most people still only notice or care about “climate change” when they do not find snow to ski on or when their coastal property becomes eroded into the sea.
We are already dying day to day on a global scale; we are already deeply into irreversible processes that will minimum change our lives in an unprecedented and fundamental way while probably also wiping out a huge part of the human population, even without the predictable wars.
We like to play with words and numbers, and we can’t see the forest from the tree, like arguing about what number of lost life we can call something a “genocide” as if some arbitrary numbers would change anything.
In our generation, we have reached a very scary recognition: despite all our technological, cultural, and social development, we have absolutely no idea about life; we do not know why we exist, what purpose or meaning our lives have and why we are called “human beings” when we are actually worse than animals from the viewpoint of Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system.
Is this not dystopian enough?