Can we relate to others with “motherly love”?
Question from the Internet:
“In what ways can you spread your motherly love for humanity?”
In order to spread “motherly love” towards humanity, first, we have to learn how to create, develop, maintain “motherly love” towards others without the natural instincts that help mothers to love their children.
Although “motherly love” is the only true example of unconditional love in this world, when the “lover” loves the “beloved” more than herself, forgetting about herself while unconditionally, devotedly serving the baby, it is not truly a “selfless, altruistic” act since the mother instinctively considers the baby as part of herself.
We see the same in the “animal kingdom”, with this “motherly instinct” Nature safeguards the continuing propagation of living species.
We see how, when it comes to the babies of others, and even more when it comes to other people, the same doting mothers can be just as cruel, hateful, rejecting as everybody else.
In order for humanity to survive in the globally integrated and fully interdependent world we evolved into, in order to create the crucially important, positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing interconnections, cooperation, we all have to learn “motherly love” towards each other.
But this has to happen not instinctively, but consciously, methodically, above and against our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and exploitative nature.
We all know the principle of “love your neighbor as yourself”, and most of us consider it a nice saying, some religious or “spiritual” slogan, even dogma. But it is actually a symbolic, poetic description of Nature’s most fundamental law of integration, where each element, part of Nature’s integrated, living systems have to unconditionally accept and serve each other part, making calculations only for the benefit, well-being of the whole collective.
We reached a stage in our evolution when our inherent nature is literally killing us, like cancer self-destructing. We have to switch to a new, this time conscious and purposeful development above and against our inherent tendencies, calculations. Finally, we have to understand and accept the Natural principle of “loving others as ourselves” and implement it in practice.
Not according to some arbitrary human ideology, philosophy, or religion, but by understanding and following Nature’s strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws.