Can we make Communism work?!
Question from the Internet:
“Why will the communist economic system not work?”
Communism in its “raw” form — completely giving up individual possessions, individual aspirations in a total subjugation towards the collective — is against our inherent nature.
We are all inherently egocentric, individualistic and all our calculations are by default for our own sake.
Thus Communism has turned into an oppressive, terror system, ideology so far when we tried to implement it.
On the other hand, the Natural system we are born from and still live in is “Communistic”.
For example in our own biological bodies, cells, organs only work for the sake of the whole body, some are replaced, some die, some increase their functions some are suspended in dynamic, mutual cooperation which has only one goal: to keep the body healthy, alive and developing.
Since we are still integral parts of Nature and we have now proven to ourselves multiple times that with egocentric, individualistic, mutually exploitative ideologies, systems we can’t succeed, survive, somehow we will have to adapt ourselves to Nature’s Communism — while not suppressing, erasing our own “raw capitalist” nature.
This seemingly “mission impossible”, “oxymoron” is the task of our generation now, when the last egotistic Human system — built on liberal, parliamentary democracy, and free-market capitalism — is collapsing.
We have to build a Human society where each can keep their individual, national uniqueness, talents, and their personal possessions as long as they remain within the optimal parameters of natural necessities and available resources.
At the same time, we all need to find our most optimal, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cogwheel role in society.