Can we follow the principle of “live and let live?”
Question from the Internet:
“Is “live and let live” the best policy to strenghten the bond of relationship between people?”
This notion or policy sounds very nice. The question is if we can implement it and if yes, then how?
What does it mean to “live,” and what does it mean to “let live?”
By default, we observe and measure everything through an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, and exploitative point of view. I “live” according to this egocentric and subjective viewpoint, and when I “let” others live, that is also according to how I see it fit. Others can live as long as they do not disturb the way I want to live.
And when society brings laws and structures that force us to compromise so we can all live somehow, we are all dissatisfied and try to change the rules and laws so we can return to the “truth”; “what is mine is mine, what is yours is yours,” as long as I can get everything I want, as I want it.
In order to reach a true sense of “live and let live,” we need to go through a unique process and preparation, at the end of which we fully understand and viscerally feel that we are all but individual cells of the same living organism.
Only when we all become like healthy cells of this single, mutually integrated, and mutually complementing organism and feel the internal balance band homeostasis and the life of the system and how we influence it with every thought, desire, intention, and action can we “live and let live” properly and successfully.