Can we exist in a world without lies?
Question from the Internet:
“Would the world become better without lies?”
Of course, the world would be much better based on the truth. The problem is that since we are all born with an inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic perception of reality, and all our calculations, decisions, and actions are 100% self-serving and self-justifying, we have no idea what “truth” is.
We live in a world where my truth is a lie to you, while your truth is a lie to me if it does not serve my self-interest. And from our inherent point of view, we are both right. And we have absolutely no chance of convincing each other otherwise since none of us is capable of seeing and experiencing reality through the states, conditions, and viewpoints of others.
Thus if we want to live in a world of truth, where truth means the same to all of us, first, we need to expand and further develop our consciousness and perception of reality. We would need to escape our egocentric and subjective individual bunkers and start seeing, tasting, perceiving, and experiencing reality through the thoughts, desires, and viewpoints of others.
This is all realistically possible with the help of a special method, which is practiced and conducted in unique, closed environments where all participants agree and commit to achieving the above-described goal.
With the help of this method, we can develop a qualitatively much higher collective consciousness and composite perception of reality that can introduce us to the real world we can taste and enjoy objectively without any egocentric and subjective bias.