Can we create “The Human” being?
Question from the Internet:
“Can human beings create another human being?”
In a certain way, yes.
But in order to create “another” human being, we ourselves would need to create a “truly human” being out of ourselves.
By default, we are not “truly human.”
We are blind and instinctive beings, completely and utterly controlled and driven by the human ego. This human ego is 100% self-serving, self-justifying. It locks us into a completely subjective and egocentric perception of reality where we do not see reality “as it is,” instead we see reality how it fits our 100% subjective and egocentric “pleasure/pain” calculations and aspirations.
As a result, we – knowingly or unknowingly – excessively accumulate and overconsume everything for our own sake, while we also ruthlessly and exclusively compete and succeed at each other’s and nature’s expense.
This makes us similar to others, instinctive animals, but also worse than animals since we destroy and exploit our own “brethren” while runsacking the natural environment our life depends on.
A “truly human” beings is one that become self-aware, knowing honestly and objectively the destructive and self-destructive qualities, desires and intentions we are born with, and also develops a desire for conscious and purposeful self-development and self-improvement. If a “budding humanoid” starts to consciously and purposefully develop and improve oneself, then one is on the path to become a “truly human” being.
And this conscious and purposeful self-development and self-improvement will bring us to adaptation to and similarity with nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system.
If we learn and practice how to mutually integrated with each other how nature’s instinctive elements automatically integrate and cooperate in order to facilitate and safeguard the creation and nurturing of life in nature’s system, we become similar to nature and integrated with the system consciously, out of our own efforts.
Then we become “truly human” – meaning similar to nature, based on the Hebrew translation and origin of the notion “Human” – “Adam” in Hebrew coming from “similar.”
And as we trasform ourselves from “instinctive and destructive animals” to “truly human” beings through our mutual integration, we will give birth to “the Human Being”, which is a unique, collective Human entity with a collective Human consciousness that will also become nature’s single, partneriung and guarding consciousness.
This is the purpose of our Human life in nature’s system, according to nature’s deterministic and relentless evolutionary process and plan.