Can we change our own, live dystopian movie?!
Question from these Internet:
“What does a dystopian society look like?”
I guess it looks like our society today, especially in certain countries. We are not far from some of the scary, dystopian scenarios dystopian Hollywood movies depict.
And we are still only at the beginning of the deepening, inevitable socioeconomic crisis which the pandemic only highlighted but didn’t cause.
Our Human system that is built on excessive, unnatural overconsumption, ruthless, exclusive competition, success and survival at each other’s and Nature’s excess has no right to exist in Nature’s finely balanced, deterministic and lawful system.
Thus this Human system is now inevitably falling apart, evoking frustration, apathy, distrust and hate, which is expressed in different ways according nations, cultures, social status. But in general societies all over the world are in decline, crisis, while internationally we are inching closer to large scale, even world wars.
Thus the question is if we are content to remain blind, instinctive actors in our own dystopian movie, or we are ready to come to our senses and are willing to change the only thing that needs changing: ourselves?!
We can keep blaming, pointing fingers at certain people, certain groups of people, nations or cultures, or we can all recognise, accept that the inherently selfish, egotistic, exploitative nature that corrupts, destroys everything is in all of us, thus we all need to change.