Can we build a world without poverty and hunger?
Question from the Internet:
“Can we create a world without poverty and hunger?”
Yes, we can create a harmonious, sustainable human society without poverty and hunger.
For that, we will need to rebuild human relationships and the fabric of society based on Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated template.
We need to learn how to exist and behave above and against our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and exploitative nature that has been causing all the past and present problems humanity encounters.
This is why — since we have to learn to act against and above our instincts — we need a unique, purposeful, and highly practical educational method that can help us understand, moreover, viscerally feel how integrated and interdependent we are. Then we will “naturally” and inevitably accept that our problem-solving ability and collective survival depends on our seamless mutual integration, co-existence, and mutually complementing cooperation.
Through this — instead of facing seemingly inevitable self-destruction — we can elevate our collective human existence to a qualitatively much higher and unprecedented level.