Can we achieve lasting peace?!
Question from the Internet:
“How can the nations of the world achieve lasting peace?”
In order to achieve a lasting peace between nations, first, we have to develop our viewpoint about ourselves, about others and the world to a qualitatively higher level.
As long as we try to “solve” our problems on the same level the problems were caused from, we will just go through the same, helplessly recurring vicious cycles as Einstein noted.
By default, we are all uniquely different, we are all driven by a 100% egocentric, subjective program for selfish fulfilment, we are all driven towards ruthless, exclusive competition, success at the expense of others. We assess and define ourselves by comparing ourselves to others and whatever we do, knowingly, unknowingly is about proving that we are superior, stronger, wealthier, more powerful, more respected than others.
This is why as long as we act instinctively, we can never achieve true, lasting peace, we can maximum make temporary ceasefires, peace agreements until the fight, war resumes again.
Lasting peace will come when we all understand, accept that in order to survive, further develop in a globally integrated and fully interdependent world — a mutual integration that is obligated, controlled by Nature’s laws and not by human activity — we will need to find common, mutually beneficial goals, projects, purpose that can neutralize, complement everything that separates, rejects people and nations from each other.
This is a gradual process of self-recognition, revealing, accepting the inherent desires and intentions that drive us towards self-destruction, and then after this self-recognition we also need to gradually learn how to act, behave, interconnect above and against our instincts in order to solve problems and survive.
“True peace” is a unique, fragile, dynamically balanced mutual integration, mutual complementation of myriads of different, seemingly incompatible elements — in our case people.