Can robots and AI develop emotions and consciousness?
Question from the Internet:
“Can AI truly experience consciousness or emotions like humans?”
I think they explored this “emotional” issue quite extensively and in a funny way in Star Trek. Of course, Star Trek has nothing to do with reality, though.
AI is a supercomputer, and it does not matter if it remains “invisible” or is dressed into an “android” form.
AI will always remain a supercomputer, and we might even facilitate some “emotion-like” features or “reactions” in it in the future, but even those “emotions” will be based on cold calculations.
Computers have no desires; they make effective calculations based on simple or complicated programs, and they are good at combining available data.
Without desires, without sensing the deficiencies and pleasures based on the state of fulfillment of those desires, we cannot have emotions.
Contrary to computers, human beings are 100% emotional beings. Our matter and driving force is a “primordial desire” to get to know and express ourselves, a primordial desire to sustain our own existence and develop towards certain goals and purposes.
Contrary to popular opinion and belief, our “intellect” and mind is simply an auxiliary device to sort, comprehend, and prepare our emotions. Even the most “brainy” and “unemotional” people act based on their desires and the state of fulfillment of their 100% egocentric, subjective, and individualistic desires.
Computers can never develop humane emotions and a human consciousness that is based on our desires and emotional states that fluctuate according to how much our actual desires — and at their foundation, our “primordial” desires — are fulfilled.
On the other hand, human beings have the ability to develop a “higher and all-encompassing” consciousness and intellect that will be able to fully understand, control, and harness our desires and fully express and realize ourselves.
But this “higher Human consciousness and intellect” is not personal; we can’t further develop our inherently egocentric, subjective, and individualistic desires and the consciousness and intellect that is operated by them.
If we want to rise to a higher level of consciousness and acquire an intellect that can research and attain reality in its perfect totality, we have to mutually integrate and complement each other; we have to complete one another with our individual desires in a way that we all make efforts and exist only to sense and fulfill each other’s needs and desires.
Then, we will generate and sense a new, higher, and collective Human consciousness together, which higher consciousness and intellect we can all access and use — for the sake of one another.
Computers that have no desires or ability to feel emotions based on the state of these desires can never develop such a Human consciousness and intellect.