Can Humans have “superpowers”?
Question from the Internet:
“What would realistically happen if everyone in the world had superpowers? How would everyone react?”
We can all have true superpowers. We can gain abilities with which we can take the whole Universe under our control. This is what Natural evolution “promises” to us.
But there is a unique condition, the “small print” we do not know or try to ignore.
We can gain that unparalleled superpower and control over the Universe only when we mutually integrate to such an extent that we literally become “one man with one heart”. When we all learn and implement the well-known but never fulfilled principle of “loving others as ourselves”, we will become “as one” and gain total control over reality.
Only a fully and mutually integrated Human superorganism, where each of us becomes selflessly serving individual cells — existing and acting through absolute mutual responsibility and mutually complementing cooperation for the sake of the whole — can gain superpowers and a qualitatively much higher, unlimited sense of existence.
There is another “small print” at the bottom of the “User Guide” Nature’s evolution left for us: If we do not achieve such a Human superorganism, fulfilling our evolutionary potential, we will not survive. Either unity, mutual integration and selfless co-existence, or death.