Can governments solve global problems?
Question from the Internet:
“The strongest governments on earth cannot clean up pollution by themselves. They must rely on each ordinary person, like you and me. — Chai Jing. Do you agree? Why? Why not?”
I think, whatever illusions we had about governments we must have lost them all by now. Especially since we evolved into the present globally integrated and interdependent world, where most if not all problems are global, governments have become basically obsolete, ineffective, outright harmful.
Since leaders, governments only care about their local situation, mostly about winning the next elections and staying in power as long as they can, they can’t even comprehend anything that happens beyond their borders of interest.
Sometimes they are interested in others in order to invade, manipulate, oppress, exploit, trick them — especially “more powerful nations” — but that is also against any notion, action that could help us solve such global problems as the pandemic, climate change, pollution, and others.
Global problems can be understood, solved only through positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation. And since this is against our inherently subjective, egocentric, self-serving, and individualistic nature, this is something we need to learn and practice through the appropriate, purposeful, and highly practical scientific, educational method.
And since such a move will never come from governments, we have to start building this “from below”, from the grassroots through understanding our total interdependence and subsequent total responsibility for each other and for the planet.