Can a government made of selfish people ever work over the selfish public?!
Question from the Internet:
“Who said, “If human beings are fundamentally good, no government is necessary; if they are fundamentally bad, any government, being composed of human beings, would be bad also”? What did they mean?”
I do not know who said it, but it is correct.
As long as we all behave according to our inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic and exploitative nature, all our laws, “ethics or moral codes”, philosophies and religions are also built by and for the same, egoistic, subjective, individualistic and exploitative nature.
And the so-called leaders, who believe they have the ability and right to “lead” others are simply the most selfish, egoistictic, proud people among us, so how could they lead us towards anything good and positive?
Nothing good can come out of humanity — regardless of our ideologies, philosophies, religions and systems — before we recognize how our inherent nature works and develop a genuine desire, need to purposefully, willingly change, further develop ourselves.
And the method, blueprint for that change needs to be independent of our original nature, viewpoint, it has to come from Nature’s integral blueprint, from Nature’s strict laws that sustain the general balance and homeostasis life depends on.