Can a cogwheel feel free?!
Our birth into this world is the most dramatic — we could say tragic— event of our life.
From the most perfect state of existence in the mother’s womb — where all our necessities are perfectly, immediately fulfilled even without asking — we are ejected into a dark, hostile world where we have to cater for our own necessities, survival in constant, ruthless, exclusive competition against others, all trying to succeed, survive at the expense of each other.
It is true that in a good case scenario at the beginning of life we are taken care of by a loving family. It is true that in modern Human societies we try to organize all kinds of social systems trying to support people, providing at least a minimum level of security to all — not always successfully.
Still, this doesn’t change the inner sense, that I am on my own, against the whole world. I am in the center of my Universe and every day is basically a game of survival, me trying to draw from reality whatever I think I need, against others who do the same from their own point of view.
My whole life is a constant “pleasure/pain calculation”, and I notice from the world only what serves this totally egocentric “pleasure/pain calculation”. this way I live in a personal cave I try to protect with everything I have, while I live in constant fear of personal loss of assets, life.
This is not so with other parts of Nature’s system, for example, animals. Even after birth, they do not feel outside of “Mother Nature’s womb. All other parts of nature are instinctively integrated into the system, nourishing themselves from Nature’s circle of life, constant life-flow, energy. Although a prey instinctively runs away from the predator as long as it can, at the end when it is eaten the prey does not feel personal loss, but instinctively senses itself fulfilling its own role in that circle of life as necessary nourishment for the predator.
Our true tragedy is that the individual freedom, the independence we so fiercely, viciously fight for is illusory, we are victims of a great psychological trick by the inherent program we are born with. Although we stubbornly believe that we think for ourselves, make individual decisions and act accordingly, every thought, decision, action is predetermined and acted out by hormonal reactions, instincts following Nature’s program whether we are aware or not, whether we agree or not.
In truth, we are cogwheels that inevitably turn together with all other cogwheels according to the plan and operation of the whole system, but in our minds, we disagree and seemingly go against the flow “doing our own thing”. This instinctive egoistic sense of individualism, independence is the root of all our problems, as we try to go against the general plan, the flow of the whole system, especially in relation to other Humans at whose expense we try to succeed, survive.
Now that finally, we started to recognize and accept that we evolved into a globally integrated, interdependent world, this notion of illusory personal freedom, independence became sharp, pressing. Nature’s developmental plan that drives the whole system towards most optimal, seamless integration will keep on mercilessly pressure us, until we will give up this misguided notion of personal freedom, independence and start learning, accepting and fulfilling our unique cogwheel role.
What we do not know yet, is that by doing so we actually acquire a true, unprecedented, infinite freedom!
By giving up the illusory separation, personal freedom, letting go of all self-protection, self-service and self-justification, by dissolving into the system as if not even existing we can escape our inherently subjective, introverted personal prisons. We can suddenly break out of all egocentric limitations, rise above the coordinates of time, space and physical motion by that acquiring a totally selfless, objective, infinite and eternal perception of reality.
We could find ourselves in the “mother’s womb” again inside Nature’s perfect system that fulfills all our needs as perfectly as a mother if we accept its plan, and flow of life. Then we can also understand why we are initially born sensing ourselves “outside” of the system, disconnected from its mutual guarantee, the circle of life. As a result of reaching integration above, against this initial sensation, integrating into nature in contrast to it we retain our independent viewpoint, observer capability even after integrating.
Thus this time we can fully consciously sense and appreciate that state of perfection we were not aware of before being ejected from the womb. We can fully enjoy and justify the total perfection of the system as its only conscious observers. Moreover, we can change the original “fear of loss” to “fear of love”, fearing only not contributing to, not facilitating the perfection of the system in case we don’t fulfill our own cogwheel role in it.
Thus all we need is a unique, purposeful, practical method that can help us through the sharp psychological boundary of letting go of ourselves, cutting all the anchors tying our selfless, independent observer to the original egocentric self that kept us as its hostage, slave before. We can achieve this here and now in the right, a purposeful and methodical environment where fully committed partners can gradually liberate each other from their personal prisons through their special mutual work.