Building the perfect, Nature-like human society
Question from the Internet:
“Why is it that every civilian can’t just get up and work without money and let the world run with no gain other than to help each other?”
While this sounds good — moreover our collective human survival depends on building such a perfect society - such way of life is against our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric and individualistic nature.
This is why all our best plans, greatest ideas, philosophies turn out to become self-destructive, this is why we keep stumbling from one vicious historic cycles to another.
So in order to become able to build the above mentioned perfect society — following Nature’s finely balanced, integral template — first we need a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method, that can help us understand, moreover feel our total interdependence in this integral, global world.
Then we will accept that our personal health, survival, prosperity is intimately intertwined with the health, survival and prosperity of the whole collective. Then we will consciously, willingly build such a society where everybody makes their primary calculations for the sake of the whole collective above and against the instinctively egocentric, subjective calculations.
Then we will have a Nature—like society where everybody finds their most optimal, mutually contributing place while justly, proportionately receiving everything necessary to continue with their unique, irreplaceable role towards the whole.