Building the perfect human society
Question from the Internet:
“Would society be more efficient if one were just handed a uniform and given only a limited number of choices to make? As things are now, one can just walk through an endless wardrobe of genders, personalities, identities, etc.”
This experiment — a certain “uniform” and limited choices for people — has been tried again and again in history based on different ideologies, or religions with very limited, temporary success and great revolts, rebound reactions at the end.
We are all very different individuals, with a unique set of desires, qualities, goals, and as we have learned through countless historic examples, our subjective, egotistic nature cannot be suppressed, erased, mislead as that leads to violent rebound reactions.
Only those changes in society, human behavior are successful and sustainable that people agree to, go through willingly, consciously understanding that those changes are in their best interest.
It is true, that in a globally integrated, fully interdependent world we do not have the free choice, personal freedom to do anything as we imagine, as we are educated to believe. Only selfless, mutual, unconditional service of others — in a system where each finds their most optimal mutually contributing places and for that receives proportionately everything they need for the contribution — can build a better, sustainable human society in Nature’s integral, interdependent, closed system.
But we need people to consciously recognize and feel this so they would agree to search for and fulfill their most optimal role, purpose in that society without any coercion or misleading propaganda.
For this we need a unique and highly practical educational method that can help us make this change, transition gradually in increasing circles, starting with the most sensitive and willing people towards the rest.