Building a new Human society on the template of Nature

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readAug 24, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Do you think you would be able to live in a society that is different from what we have now?”

It is not only that I would be able to live in a society that is different from what we have now, we all have to live, collectively survive in a society that is completely different from what we have now.

Our present civilization — like all previous civilizations in history — is literally going up in flames, became unsustainable. Just like previous civilizations that also self-destructed, our own is also built on our inherently selfish, egotistic, exploitative inner program, except that it was built on the maximally developed human ego.

Thus our insatiable, excessive overconsumption, our ruthless competition, our tendency to succeed at each other’s expense has reached such a critical level that we are not only destroying this civilization, but probably we completely destroy our own species.

When previous civilizations exploded there was always a new hope, some new ideology, system, movement driving people forward, we still had hopes for the future even when we went through world wars with terrible destruction. After the 2nd World War, the greatest positive development of mankind started which only screeched to a halt in the last decade or so.

Today we have no new ideas, we are fearing the future and can’t think of anything else but only about a stark, rough day-to-day survival, while we escape this unpleasant, threatening reality into drugs, mindless “circus, and bread entertainment” or even into depression, suicide.

Our collective survival — and there is no individual or national survival in a globally interdependent world — depends on understanding how our inherent nature causes all our problems, and then we can consciously, methodically learn how to build a completely new Human society built on nature’s perfect, integral template above and against our nature.

This duality, this conscious development above, against ourselves will make us “truly Human”, justifying our place at the peak of Nature’s evolution.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.