Building a new Human society based on Nature’s template

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJul 25, 2021

Opinion from the Internet on human society, development:

“Given past history and our current take on governmental options it just seems we are past the anarchy of the cave dwellers and the monarchies of the early “modern" period and have settled upon either capitalism or socialism (and it’s more well organized cousin Communism) as the choices in today’s world.

I suppose it’s well and good to hope or look for new methods of organizing society but don’t see anything in your comments suggesting anything concrete, unless your failure to recognize my inclusion of socialism in the “powerful become rich" scenario means you reject it and think socialism can be made more egalitarian than it is in practice anywhere in the world we know.”

You are right, within our available human toolbox, according to our inherent nature we don’t have other options.

There is the interesting Chinese experiment, trying to fuse capitalistic elements into a hardcore Communistic system — which by the way seems more progressive, effective right now then western capitalism — but it fail as well as everything we ever tried.

I keep pointing back to the root cause, which is our inherently “cancer-like", insatiable, selfish, egotistic nature which created and then corrupts everything we do. As long as we follow our inherent nature building we will continue our helplessly recurring vicious historic cycles until we truly self-destruct — which is not that far away now.

Thus our only solution is changing our human nature, our consciousness, perception of reality first. And not according to our own distorted, subjective, egocentric minds as we did so far.

We have to change according to Nature’s finely balanced, integral template, we have to adapt ourselves to evolution’s direction towards increasing mutual integration.

A better, sustainable human society — a globally integrated one — resembles how the cells, organs of our biological body works, otherwise there is no survival in Nature’s fully integrated, interdependent system.

We have to learn how to use, harness, channel the awesome power of the selfish, human ego to become a positive, constructive driving force in such a Nature-like, fully integrated, mutually responsible, mutually complementing society.

This is not a theory, philosophy, this is empirical, natural science.

And it is so practical, that as we speak thousands of small “Nature-like" cells around the world are learning how to change, upgrade, adapt ourselves accordingly. These cells will be the founding blocks of the new human society as the present one continues to decline, deteriorate.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.