Building a “multi-cellular” Human organism for evolutionary advantage
Today we are in a situation, as each time in history — through recurring vicious cycles — when one civilization broke apart and a new civilization was born from the ruins of the old.
Our own civilization is at its end, falling into ever deeper crisis, approaching a complete socio-economic collapse similar to the 1930s. Unfortunately, the usual “historic solution” for these civilization-ending crisis situation is war, when desperate leaders have no other option to awaken, arouse their people than to do it through the hate against others, and to reignite economic growth through destroying and rebuilding.
On the other hand, our generation has received a unique opportunity to ‘snap out” of this blind, instinctive script and “rewrite” our own history.
We have enough historic experience, there are enough people who are ready to examine Humanity’s problems from another angle, they are willing to consider that the problem is not with leaders, politicians, governing and economic systems, that it does not matter who we elect, what “ism” we use.
There is a growing number of people who are ready to listen and hear that it is our own inner nature, our own attitude towards each other — our inability to build mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections with each other above everything that separates, rejects us — is the problem.
As a result, instead of following the instinctive script of immersing into our inherent mutual distrust, hate, our urge to destroy, erase those who we do not like, whose opinion we can’t accept, we can gradually, cautiously find another way.
Through a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method, we can learn how to stop instinctively harming each other, offhand rejecting each other’s opinion, direction. We can learn how to leave everything in place, untouched, finding the place for all sides, opinions, arguments against each other, and then find a higher, systemic viewpoint, higher, collective consciousness, perception through which we can see and understand the whole system, the complete mechanism and our own place in it.
At this stage with our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, and subjective consciousness, the perception we are all like individual cells in a body that see only themselves, trying to force the whole body to serve only their own individualistic interest.
But we have the ability to acquire a systemic, “whole-body” consciousness and perception of a unique, qualitatively much higher “multi-cellular” Human organism. It is like seeing the world as a Human being instead of sensing existence as a single cell in any of the organs of the body that is concerned only about second to second survival.
Even if a small group of people builds the unique, necessary mutual connections between them above all their inherent differences, instinctive rejection of each other, they already gain a certain level of “higher consciousness”, systemic perception. And the more people connect to their “collective consciousness” the greater depth, the greater resolution they acquire, the more correctly, completely they start perceiving reality.
Only by this unique, fully conscious, proactive method — above blind instincts — can we derail our “global train” speeding towards a broken bridge above the abyss. And it is not necessary that billions of people start using the method right away. A small group of “pioneers” — that are already ready to willingly change themselves, interconnecting as single cells to form a “multi-cellular” Human organism with a much higher, much more comprehensive “circulation”, communication system between them, sensing, experiencing life many dimensions higher, deeper — can pull the whole of Humanity after them towards safety, towards a new, conscious, methodical Human development.