Building a better human society

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readNov 5, 2021


Question from the Internet:

“How can one thrive in an unfriendly society?”

You can thrive like everybody else, ruthlessly competing, succeeding, surviving at the expense of others.

This is what our original, egocentric, subjective, and individualistic nature dictates, this is what our education and the values, goals, aspirations of the general society demand.

Of course, as you hinted this is not a pleasant, positive kind of life, our societies are cold, dark and we are all alienated, we distrust and reject each other. But what can we do if our inherent nature makes us behave this way?!

Fortunately, we are the only “creatures” in Nature that can consciously, purposefully, methodically change themselves. If we — at least a sensitive, willing, critical minority — reached a state that we simply can’t take this kind of life anymore, if we understood, felt it “viscerally” that by continuing to live instinctively we inevitably destroy each other and the planet, we have the actual possibility to change ourselves and by that change the world around us.

We can harness so far hidden force from Nature’s system that can assist us to align ourselves with nature’s general, selfless, altruistic, mutually responsible and mutually complementing direction, operation. We can actually become like healthy cells of the same living organism, building a completely new human society when each makes calculations for the wellbeing, benefit of others above and against the instinctive egoistic self-benefit.

Then life will become extremely pleasant, not to mention that through the acquired, unprecedented collective consciousness, collective intellect we start sensing a qualitatively much higher sense of existence, beyond all the distorted, corrupted, egocentric, and subjective limitations we are suffering from right now.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.